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FASS 2002: The company, puttin' on the ritz.

FASS 2007 - News and announcements

Annual General Meeting and Committee Applications

posted 2007/03/11 by Josh Hoey

We have a time and location for our Annual General Meeting. We'll be meeting on Sunday, April 15th at 1pm in the afternoon, and as a change of venue, we will be meeting in AL 113. At the general meeting we'll be picking some new committee members, renewing friendships since the show, and, of course, watching this year's show on DVD.

While some committee positions are open at the AGM, some of them are officially open now! I am now taking applications for the positions of Chief Script Writer, Director, Technical Director, Producer and Treasurer.

If you are interested in any of these positions, send me an email telling me you're interested, and any past work you may have done in a similar role and why you're interested. Experience isn't required, I just like to read longer emails than "I'm interested in this role!"

Applications will be open until Sunday, April 1st.

And remember, if you're interested in other committee positions, they're up for grabs at this year's AGM on Sunday, April 15th. Come on out for some food, movie and fun!

» Past news and announcements