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FASS 2007: The company of FASS 2007

FASS 2014 - Committee

The FASS Theatre Company is run by a committee made up of members of the company. Some of the positions (like President) are elected at the Annual General Meeting in March, and some positions (like Director) are appointed by the committee. See the Committee job description page for more information.

Committee members

President: Michael L. Davenport
Vice President: Evelyn Barber
Producers: Lily Horne, Katey Bender
Treasurer: Sarah Rodrigues
Secretary: Alexis Hunt
Chief Script Writer: Kit Kreider
Director: Anna Kreider
Technical Director: Anton Markov
Stage Manager: Colleen Colbeck
Representatives: Susan Kleisath, Nicole Simone, Corey Cohen, Sean Grafton
Past President: Colleen Colbeck
Past Producer: Kelsey Burton, Joscelyn Alexander
Past Director: Christos Lolas
Past Technical Director: Chris Alexander
Past Chief Script Writer: Michael Omand
Past Stage Manager: Katey Bender