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FASS 2005: Evil sidekicks Dex. T. Rose (Mohammad Jangda), Buzz Glucose (Don Baker) and Sue C. Rose (Emma Connon).

FASS 2014 - News and announcements


posted 2014/03/13 by Michael L. Davenport

Hello everyone!

I am pleased to announce FASS's Annual General Meeting.
When: Sunday, April 6, 2014, 1:00pm
Where: RCH 101
Why: The AGM is super important.

Here's what we have to do:

  1. We will be electing the following positions: If you think you might be interested in one of those positions, the duties are listed in the FASS constitution.
  2. You will get your showbooks and DVDs. Yay!
  3. We will review FASS finances
  4. Also, this is the meeting where the theme is selected. Typically, the CSW presents four themes and through an iterative process of voting, a theme is chosen. So, your vote will set the tone for the entire show.
  5. We will be watching the DVD, once at the end of the meeting once the serious business is done.
  6. We will also be voting on Constitution changes (if any), and inducting people into the Honour Roll (if anybody is nominated). I'll go into the Honour Roll process in more detail later, but it might change in the next two weeks.

On that note, if you happen to have any constitution changes (constitution changes are rare, so I'm expecting not) or would like to nominate anyone for the "Honour Roll" please email me at prez@fass.uwaterloo.ca within the next week (that is, before 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 19).

The lingering question you might have is "What's Honour Roll?" It's a short list of people who have made outstanding contributions to FASS. Says the P&G:

Honour Roll Members must have made significant contributions to FASS for a period of preferably four or more years. The FASS Committee must review the significance of contributions based on any of the following points:

So, it's basically FASS Hall-of-fame. Russ Wong was inducted last year. If there's anyone you can think of who committee should consider for Honour Roll (and it should be a name which comes easily to mind; we don't hand this out like Chiclets) again, email prez@fass.uwaterloo.ca within the next week.

Michael L. Davenport
FASS President 2014

Call for Applications for Treasurer and CSW

posted 2014/02/13 by Michael L. Davenport

Greetings everyone! Hope you enjoyed the show!

Are you interested in being on the FASS 2015 committee? We are currently accepting applications for Treasurer and Chief Script Writer.

The Treasurer's job is to make sure FASS doesn't go broke. She sets the budget at the beginning of the year, based on historical numbers and future expectations. The Treasurer is also responsible for keeping books balanced and managing reimbursements throughout the year.

The Chief Script Writer leads the writer's team in creating the script for the show. How the CSW ultimately does this is personal choice, but it's usually done by leading brainstorming meetings, then delegating individual scenes to writers, then leading many many rounds of editing and delegation.

Do either of these sound interesting? If so, email an application to apply [Ãt] fass.uwaterloo.ca before the deadline, which is 11:59pm on Friday, February 28.

FASS 2014 auditions!

posted 2014/01/06 by Michael L. Davenport

Auditions will be Wednesday, January 8, Thursday January 9 and Friday, January 10, 2014, 7:00pm to 9:30pm. We will be in HH 123 / 124 It's very much a drop-in sort of thing, and you only have to attend one night.

If you've never gone to auditions before, don't worry! What to expect is outlined in our handbook.

To save time fill out the online audition form before coming to auditions.

See you there!

FASS 2014 times and prices set!

posted 2013/08/21 by Michael L. Davenport

Wherein once again, I fail to write a title without an exclamation point.

This Monday, Committee set the audition times, show times, and ticket prices for the coming year.

FASS 2014 audition times

Auditions will be Wednesday, January 8, 2014 to Friday, January 10, 2014, 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Rooms TBA. (Rooms will be posted as soon as we can book them, basically. Keep an eye out for the announcement in December.)

This is the perfect time to remind you that everyone who wants a part, gets a part. Yes, our talented and awesome writers shrink or grow the show depending on demand. If you're looking to try being on stage for the first time (or be in the band, or make props) come on out. Bring friends and be prepared to make some new ones.

FASS 2014 ticket prices

The ticket prices are the same as last year. Reminder:

So, those are the rates, except: are you a first year student? Do you know a lot of first year students? We're working on offering a special rate of $2.00 a ticket to first year students for Thursday night only. Details aren't nailed down yet, email the president if you're interested in being kept up to date.

FASS 2014 showtimes

The showtimes are as follows:

We're trying something a little different this year. We're having the Saturday show a little earlier (without having it too early.) Get your friends from out of town to see the show! (That's the idea.)

Michael L. Davenport
FASS President 2013-2014

FASS 2014 committee is complete! Muah ha ha

posted 2013/06/18 by Michael L. Davenport

Colleen Colbeck has been selected as our stage manager. We now have a full committee! (Wait, is it only June? It's June.)

FASS 2014: And now we have a TD too!

posted 2013/05/18 by Michael L. Davenport

Just a quick update — Anton Markov has been selected as Tech Director! Now Stage Manager is the only empty space on Committee. Remember, applications for SM are open only as long as it's May.

FASS 2014: Director and Producers chosen, looking for a Stage Manager!

posted 2013/05/15 by Michael L. Davenport

Greetings FASSies!

We have selected our producers and director for FASS 2014. The show will be produced by Lily Horne and Katey Bender, and will be directed by Anna Kreider.

With the Director selection complete, we're ready to announce a deadline for the Stage Manager. Please send any stage manager applications to me before 11:59pm on Friday, May 31, 2013. (This is a very easy deadline to remember. Is it still May? If so, you can still apply for SM. Is it not May anymore? No? Too late!)

Also, FASS will have a booth in Vendor's Alley (near Wasabi and Campus Bubble) in the Student Life Centre from 10:00am to 3:00pm tomorrow and Friday. Swing by and say hi!

Michael L. Davenport
FASS President 2013-2014

Director, Tech Director, Producer deadline is TOMORROW. (And other announcements)

posted 2013/04/27 by Michael L. Davenport

Hey FASSies! Three quick announcements.


In case you didn't hear already, the theme for FASS 2014 is Armageddon. If you're interested in coming to a writers meeting, the two upcoming meets are on Tuesday, April 30 and Thursday, May 9 in HH 119, 7pm-9pm. Also, the writer's wiki is at http://fass-2014.wikispot.org/.

Who is on committee?

As always, you can see who is on committee here: http://www.fass.uwaterloo.ca/2014/committee

And finally...

A reminder that the deadline for Director, Tech Director, and Producer applications is 11:59pm on Sunday, April 28, 2013. That's tomorrow. Please send all applications to me. You will get confirmation that your application was received.

Michael L. Davenport
FASS President 2013-2014

Official call for Producer, Director, and Tech Director for FASS 2014!

Hello everyone! FASS is looking to fill these three important committee positions. We're looking for a Producer, Director, and Tech Director for FASS 2014, The End of the World / Armageddon / Disasters.

If you're interested, email an application to me before 11:59pm on Sunday, April 28, 2013.

You might be asking yourself, "What do these people do?" I'll tell you!


The Producer is in charge of everything to do with "selling" the show. Making and distributing posters, making the programs, making the merchandise (shirt, showbook, DVDs). Don't feel constrained to what's been done before . your end goal is to fill the theatre. The key here is DELEGATION. The producer is really, really important. Possibly the most important position on committee. If I'm walking with you on the street and a bus is hurtling toward us, I'm going to push you out of the way. If you have any questions about what it is to be a producer, contact our past producers: Kelsey Burton and Joscelyn Alexander.


The Director is in charge of bringing the show to life on stage, in every respect. The acting, the choreography, the music . those are all your babies. The good news is you get to break up and DELEGATE those responsibilities as you see fit. Know nothing about music? Appoint a Music Director. Know nothing about dancing? Appoint a choreographer. Want an acting coach to exist? Appoint one, and it exists. "Bringing the show to life" is a big job, and you can appoint director's staff and divvy that job up however you want. Or you could do it all yourself. (Note: That's a joke. Don't try to do everything yourself. BAD IDEA.) Importantly, you get to choose the Stage Manager from a short list prepared by Committee. Questions? Email our past director Christos Lolas.

Tech Director

Writers sometimes create challenges. Techies rise to solve those challenges. Tech Director is the Baron(ess) of the Techies. If the script calls for a Tardis, or a helicopter to descend from the sky, or a giant insect, it's the job of you and your army (DELEGATE!) to combine light, sound, cardboard, and sweat such that it happens. All technical things (including costumes and makeup) fall under your perview. The past Tech Director Chris Alexander can tell you more.

Hmm, seems there's a common theme running through my description of all three positions. (DELEGATE!)

One last note: applications for Stage Manager are also open, however there's no deadline as of right now. But there is a deadline for the other three positions! Again, please email applications for Producer, Director, and Tech Director to me before 11:59pm on Sunday, April 28, 2013.

Thank you,
Michael L. Davenport
FASS President 2013-2014

The Writing Begins!

posted 2013/04/09 by Kit Kreider

The world may be ending, but we need to make it happen.

How will the apocalypse unfold? Let's find out! I'm putting out a call for writers for the FASS 2014 script, and you know what? You don't need to be a writer to write! Heck, you don't even need to write to write. Come join us for brainstorming!

When: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Where: Hagey Hall 119 Due to overwhelming attendance, Hagey Hall 280
Time: 7-9pm

When: Thursday, April 18, 2013
Where: Hagey Hall 119
Time: 7-9pm

Can't make it? Taking a break for the summer, but want to join us in the Fall? Want to find out more information about the script writing process? Please send me an email!