about FASS
handbook & policy
FASS 2003:
Colin Alldeshots (Chris Klein) sends ninjas to search for the special guest star.
FASS 1980: Days of Future FASS
This Is The FASS Show (You Are My Sunshine)
University Bookstore (Winchester Cathedral)
Hey, Food (Hey, Jude)
Food Services' Food (Food, Glorious Food)
In The Gravy (In The Navy)
South Campus Hall (YMCA)
I Want To Be A Superhero (Just An Old-Fashioned Love Song)
Plato's Retreat (Lollipop Guild)
50 Ways To Screw The Students (50 Ways To Leave Your Lover)
Coal (Tang-Spam)
Our Hearth (Our House)
Neil Young Eat Your Hearth Out (Heart Of Gold)
Intrepid Astros (Junior Birdmen)
Superhero Reprise (Red Rubber Ball)
A Spaceship (Ach Du Lieber Augustine)
Studio /360 (Puff The Magic Disco)
WIDJET (A Bicycle Built For Two)
I Forget With You Milk (Thank You Very Much Milk)
Hey Sue (Octopus's Garden)
Hi Ho (Hi Ho)
Over At The PRG Place (Over At The Frankenstein Place)
No Way, Jose (Scarborough Fair)
Torn Between Two Tow-Trucks (Torn Between Two Lovers)
You Can't Do Anything (Anything You Can Do)
Sergeant Peppers Band (Close Encounters Theme)
You Funded Me (You Needed Me)
Sex & Drugs & Downhill Skis (Sex & Drugs & Rock'n'Roll)
The Banana Blitz Song (The Banana Splits Song)
The Show So Far (Science Fiction Double Feature)
The Bonzo Cat In The Hat Comes Back (The Rain In Spain)
I Want To Be A Superhero (Reprise) (Just An Old-Fashioned Love Song)
Bye Bye Earth (Bye Bye Love)
Bye Bye FASS (Bye Bye Love)