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FASS 2005: FASSies rehearse for the opening number "FASStastics Go!"

FASS 2000 - Imprint review

This review appeared in the February 4, 2000, issue of Imprint.

FASS show a gas

Kate Schwass, Imprint staff

FASS (Faculty, Alumni, Staff and tudents) are once again putting on their annual theatrical presentation at Hagey Hall in the Humanities Theatre.

Having attended their first dress rehearsal, I can honestly say that this is one of the better plays that FASS has produced. Although there were the typical dress rehearsal flubs, for the most part the play ran smoothly. Certainly any of the problems that were encountered at the dress rehearsal can be fixed by the time the show plays this weekend.

There were definitely some key performers and scenes that will stand out in the minds of those sitting in the audience, but what also stands out is that the play seemed to drag in spots. Humour was used that was meant to be funny but was not. The actors needed to sing louder and the pit band needed tuning.

Besides that, the actors themselves did well. Unfortunately, some of the people had not yet learned their lines but there were those who had spent the time learning lines and it showed.

Stand out characters were those who are trapped in the elevator, the game show host (who looks like Dante from the movie Clerks) the drill sergeant for the Y2K survivalists, and the three guys who are trying to get laid throughout the entire play. These characters stand out because they were funny, loud, and had a commanding presence on stage.

The cast contains people from all areas of UW, those who have acting experience and those who do not.

Alumni and staff also work on the production and add to the appeal of the play to a wide range of people.

The script, although incredibly corny, has a few good lines that will make you smile. Throughout the play, the audience is forewarned that the end of the world is coming and I'll give you a hint: squirrels do not help end the world.

The play, entitled The ProFASSy, runs from February 3-5. Tickets can be purchased at the Hagey Hall box office.