FASS Theatre Company home pageFASS Theatre Company home page

[description below]

FASS 2002: Roberta Tymn (Carrie Palesh) asks Nick Nack (Michael Smyth) to find out who murdered her husband.

How to reach FASS

For general inquiries, email us!

If you know you want to contact a particular member of the FASS Committee, check for their email address on the Committee page. If you are trying to get in touch with someone about being late or absent for a rehearsal, email the Stage Manager.

Mailing lists

For official announcements, join the moderated FASS mailing list: FASSmod-subscribe@yahoogroups.com; you'll get just one or two messages a month, and you'll stay up-to-date on script writing, audition information, and more.

For open discussion, join the open FASS mailing list: FASSopen-subscribe@yahoogroups.com; this list is unmoderated.

There are also mailing lists for the cast and crew for the show each year. If you're in the show, you don't need to sign up for this, we'll sign you up automatically.