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FASS 2002: Sy Lentnight (Neil Murray) and Toni Tymn (Allison Luby) celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary, just before Sy gets murdered.

FASS 2015 - News and announcements

Stage Manager Selected \& Interim Producer

Nadia Novikova has been selected as the Stage Manager for FASS 2015. Additionally, Nyssa Tilford has agreed to serve as an interim Producer until the end of September.

Producer Applications Re-re-opened for the Last Time

Applications for the position of Producer are open. Applications are due at 5:00 PM Monday, June 16. See below for application information.

Director & Tech Director Selected

The 2015 show will be directed by Rami Finkelstein, and tech will be managed by Katey Bender. Applications for Stage Manager are open and will close at the end of May.

Producer Applications Re-opened

Applications for the position of Producer have been re-opened. Applications are due at 11:59 PM Sunday, May 11. If you have any questions about the position, please contact any member of the committee. If you wish to apply, please send your application to the President, and the FASS Committee will arrange an interview.

Theme Selected & Committee Applications Open!

The theme for FASS 2015 is Fairy Tales. Chief Script Writer Michael L. Davenport and is crack team of writers will labour over the next eight months to deliver the most perfect fairy-tale themed show to ever grace the stage. If you're interested in helping out, please drop an email to our CSW and he'll get you set up.

FASS is also seeking applications for the positions of Director, Tech Director, Stage Manager, and Producer for the show. These are the people who make the amazing show come to life and ensure that there are people to watch it. If any of these sound interesting to you, please send applications to the President and the FASS Committee will arrange for an interview. Applications are due by the end of April.

posted 2015/04/28 by FASS President