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[description below]

FASS 2004: Doctor Zeus (Kim Lam, right) examines Dyna McLea-Allocade (Sibylle Heidelberger) as Phyllis Sophie (Steph Casselman) looks on.

FASS 2004 - Committee

The FASS Theatre Company is run by a committee made up of members of the company. Some of the positions (like President) are elected at the Annual General Meeting in March, and some positions (like Director) are appointed by the committee.

Committee members

President: Nadia Ursacki
Vice-President: Trista Simmons
Producer: Jennifer Murray
Treasurer: Paul Woodard
Secretary: Diana Chisholm
Chief Script Writer: Brian "Latrell" Fox
Director: Anita Kilgour
Technical Director: Jesse Huebsch
Stage Manager: Jim Peltier
Representatives: Neil Murray
Albert O'Connor
Michael Smyth
Michelle Zakrison
Past President: Stephen Stewart
Past Producer: Heather MacDonald
Past Director: Nadia Ursacki
Past Technical Director: Dave O'Grady
Past Chief Script Writer: Rick Fazekas


Past committees

To find out the names of the crazy people that were part of previous FASS committees, check under that year's show web page.