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FASS 2005: The FASSmobile (James Morrison) faces off against the Lizard (Stephen Stewart) in the climactic battle.

FASS 2004 - Haiku

Demanding bastards
Haiku will come when I say
Why don't you piss off

Welcome to headsets
As courtesy to our ears
Bang not mics while on

Snow flies, FASS arrives
Welcome to the cue-to-cue
Actors feel much pain

Wednesday night, dress two
Get all your screw ups out now
Thursday will be great

Ninja, Janitor,
Cameo, Spider Woman,
Queen. Rick plays them all

Redder and redder
Veins popping, people dying
'Nita goes to jail

The opening night
Seats fill up with audience
Hope Jim tells us go

Cold, snowy outside
Warm and snug in our wee booth
Weather matters not

Someone rubs my neck
Wonder who the cute chick is
Uhhh....Dude, that's Donnie

The first show is done
Yay! Now let's drink a whole lot
Skip work on Friday

Double-sided tape
Truly an amazing thing
Keeps the show PG

Abby springing free
Why must I repeat myself?
Double-sided tape

Feet stuffed inside moose
Curled up in my dark corner
When will this show start

The moose like ballet
Their antlers sway back and forth
And you say Sib's crazy

Three fawning maidens
Four, four awesome luciadors
Ah ha ha ha ha!!!

I am the knight, Lance
hunting a um...ah...SOMETHING!
...Look what I can do

Where did that tree go?
Leave it out now - no, no wait
Drop it on Donnie

Buttery goodness
Smells of popcorn fill the hall
I'm soooo hungry

The Friday late show
The audience is restless

It is hot up here
Ashley let the dragon in
Burnination... Ow

There is a big ball
Let's get back on it, mmkay?
We can talk later

FASS wraps up again
No more ninjas or pirates
At least 'till next year

Off to speak to the dolphins
Squeak Squeak Chirp Click Squeak

FASS Of-Four is done
No sets to prep for tonight
Sigh...no stage to mop

Donkey Donkey Don-
key Donkey Donkey Donkey
Donkey Donkey WAAAA!!!

Alex needs new pants
Lion's voice is way too high
Not having kids now, hey?

If NSERC is good
I am Oz-bound in the fall
I will miss you all