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posted 2006/02/28 by Douglas Stebila
With the success of FASS 2006 behind us, it's time to start planning for FASS 2007. We need to fill Committee positions. Some of the positions will be filled by applicants who interview with the committee, some will be filled at the Annual General Meeting on April 4, and a few will be filled later in the year. I encourage you to consider holding one of these positions -- you'll get to know a lot of people involved in FASS.
If you'd like to apply for any of the following positions --
-- you will need to send an email to Douglas Stebila by the end of Tuesday, March 7, 2006. In the email, you should include the following:
You will then need to come to the committee meeting which will be held sometime between March 11-19 to interview for the position. Descriptions of the jobs are available online.
If you'd like to apply for any of the following positions --
-- you will need to be nominated at the FASS Annual General Meeting. You don't need to send any information in beforehand, but if you want to let me know you're interested in the job I can tell you more about it if you'd like.
Applications for the other open Committee position -- Stage Manager -- will be opened later in the year. And the creative staff -- Music Director, Choreographer -- are also appointed by the Director later in the year.
Please feel free to email me or the current holder of the position with any questions you might have.
posted 2006/01/15 by Douglas Stebila
FASS 2006 is underway! Thanks to all those who came out to auditions. We're done our first week of rehearsals and let me just say that Shakespeare is nearly a perpetual motion machine with all the rolling-over-in-the-grave he's done lately. But that shouldn't stop you from coming to see A Midwinter Night's FASS when it hits the stage of the Humanities Theatre:
Tickets are available at the Humanties Theatre Box Office on the first floor of Hagey Hall.
posted 2005/11/15 by Douglas Stebila
Auditions for FASS 2006 will be held on Wednesday January 4, Thursday, January 5, and Friday January 6, 2006, starting at 7:00 pm each night in Hagey Hall room 334. (You only need to come one of those nights.)
Don't be nervous! Anyone who auditions for FASS will get a part! But we do need to get an idea of whether you're a singer, a dancer, or a mathie. So be prepared to sing a few bars of your favourite tune, read some lines from the script, and do the shuffle.
If you're not looking to appear on stage but want to be in the band or work back stage, you should still come out to auditions one night that week. Our technical director, music director, and stage manager will all be around to answer questions.
If you'd like to learn more about FASS and what getting invovled in FASS would mean, take a look at our new member handbook.
posted 2005/11/15 by Douglas Stebila
FASS 2006 has a stage manager! Nadia Ursacki has agreed to be the manliest stage manager in FASS. Thanks, Nadia!
posted 2005/10/06 by Douglas Stebila
Dying to get your hands on the brilliant iambic pentameter at the heart of FASS 2006? Can't wait to find out what activities FASS has planned for the fall term? Dreamed of being the next Stage Manager? Looking to say goodbye to our trusty office?
All this, and more, is in the FASS Fall 2005 newsletter, now available at a website near you! Check it out here!
And come join us on Tuesday, October 18, at 6:00 pm in the SLC Multipurpose Room for the Fall Organizational Meeting!
posted 2005/09/08 by Craig Sloss
This is the FASS CSW with some info about writers' meetings for the Fall 2005 term. General writing meetings (where we discuss dialogue writing and the overall plot of the play) will take place every Monday (except Thanksgiving), starting September 12, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Grad House board room. (Don't worry, you don't have to be a grad student to come in. The board room's on the second floor.) Song writing meetings will take place every Tuesday, starting September 13, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Hagey Hall, room 373.
For more details and continued updates, check out the FASS writing page. If you'd like to be on the writer's e-mailing list, send an e-mail to the CSW. The writer's list will recieve weekly e-mails about writing. (Note that if you're on the writer's list from last term, you're still on it.)
posted 2005/11/02 by Douglas Stebila
Applications are now open for the last remaining Committee position to be filled for FASS 2006: stage manager. Applications are due November 14 and can be submitted to the President. All members of the FASS company are eligible to apply.
You can find out more about the Stage Manager's job here. If you'd like some more detailed information about the job of Stage Manager, take a look at the FASS constitution. If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to email Erin Moffat, the FASS 2005 Stage Manager.
To apply for the job of Stage Manager, send an email to the President by October 31 with the following information: name, contact information, and past FASS and other relevant theatre experience.
posted 2005/10/12 by Diana Chisholm
Want to find out more about FASS and meet the people involved? Then come out to our Fall Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, October 18 at 6 pm in the SLC Multi-purpose room. We'll have some yummy food for you, we'll watch a video of last year's show, and you'll be able to meet this year's FASS Committee and ask any questions you have. See you there!
posted 2005/09/14 by Lisa Rubini
Come find out more about FASS at Feds Services Day on September 20th. The FASS producers, members of the writing team, and all kinds of crazy FASSies will be on hand to tell you all about the FASS Theatre Company.
We're also looking for people to help us out at this term's Feds Services Day on September 20th. We're not at Clubs Days this year, so we this is our chance to reach the UW population in person before the Fall Organizational Meeting.
So if you can help, e-mail the producers saying when you are free on September 20th. We'll likely be setting up a booth with pamflets and pictures, and will need happy energetic FASSies to staff the booth during the day.
posted 2005/09/08 by Craig Sloss
The script writing team continues to work on the script for next year's Shakespearean FASS. General writing meetings are held on most Mondays from 7-9pm in the Grad House and song writing meetings are held on most Tuesdays from 7-9pm in HH 373. Resources for writers, current progress, and upcoming meetings are posted on the Chief Script Writer's website.
posted 2005/08/02 by Eric Logan
It's me, your Vice again, announcing another great chance to meet up with those crazy people you're used to seeing only during January. Guess what! We can be friends all year!
Anyway, KW's got this improv group called 'Theatre On The Edge', which, over time, has had a FASSie or two in their ranks. They do shows Thursday nights in the Button Factory (or, more formally, the Waterloo Community Arts Centre), and I thought it would be fun to fill one of their audiences with FASS. Also, I love improv. Oh, and seeing you guys would be great, too.
I'm tired of being witty. Here's the skinny, laid out clear:
I can see us strolling over to the Barley Works at the Huether or someplace similar in the neighbourhood if there's interest afterwards, but it is a weeknight....
If you think you might be coming, please let me know so I can give them advanced warning. I would feel bad if we dropped 40 people on them. Well, OK, not really, but maybe a little.
posted 2005/07/22 by Douglas Stebila
At its most recent meeting, the FASS Committee appointed co-producers for the FASS 2006 show; they are Diana Chisholm, Leander Quiring, and Lisa Rubini. Welcome on board!
posted 2005/5/15 by Douglas Stebila
Applications are still open for the Producer position (a description of the position is available here). Interested parties should email me by Sunday, May 29 with name, contact information, past FASS and related experience, what you hope to bring to the job, and whether you will be in Waterloo through February 2006.If you have any questions about what the position is really like, you can email the lovely producer of FASS 2005, Alice Pfeifer, or contact me for more information.
posted 2005/5/9 by Eric Logan
It's the first party of FASS 2006... in 2005! On Saturday, June 4, there will be a Bring Your Own Meat BBQ at the house of our Vice. You bring the burgers, FASS will bring the buns, the pop, the ketchup, the chips, the... well, you get the idea. Sound like fun? Email the vice for directions and full details.
posted 2005/4/7 by Douglas Stebila
Thanks to all those who came out to the FASS Annual General Meeting a few weeks ago. We said thanks and goodbye to the 2005 committee and creative team, and elected some positions on the new committee. Among the elected were myself (President), Eric Logan (Vice President), Steve Hanov (Secretary), and Khary Alexander, Lisa Hagen, Heather MacDonald and Erin Rogozinski (Reps).We are still missing one committee member: Producer. Applications are now open for the Producer position (a description of the position is available here). Interested parties should email me by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 13 with name, contact information, past FASS and related experience, what you hope to bring to the job, and availability for interviews the weekend of April 16 and 17. (If you're not available that weekend, let me know and we can make alternate arrangements).
If you have any questions about what the position is really like, you can email the lovely producer of FASS 2005, Alice Pfeifer or contact me for more information.
posted 2005/3/21 by Craig Sloss
With the theme for FASS 2006 chosen, it's time to start working on next year's script. (For those who missed the AGM, we're going to have a Shakespearean theme.) Writers' meetings for this term will start Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the UW Grad House. (Just look for the table with FASSies -- we'll likely be on the second floor, but our actual location will depend on which tables are free.) If you're not a grad student, don't worry; you can still get in.
Meetings will happen every Tuesday for the next three or four weeks, depending on how people feel about meeting during the exam period.
Also, if you're interested in writing for FASS but you didn't sign up on the writers' list at the AGM, send an e-mail to me and I'll add you to my list.
UPDATE (3/27/05): This week's meeting has been moved to Wednesday. It'll still be at 7:00 p.m. in the Grad House.
posted 2005/3/4 by Russ Wong
Mark it in your calendars: Sunday, March 20th at 1pm in the Humanities Theatre. We'll vote in new committee members, watch the DVD, and have a generally good time. Speaking of new committee members, we're pleased to announce the following committee members for FASS 2006:Now, as you may have noticed, we don't yet have a director, producer, or tech director (position descriptions are available here). I know there are people out there who are interested; if you are, definitely fire me an e-mail message to talk about it. In the meantime, I'm setting a second deadline for applications of Tuesday, March 15th, with interviews to be held on the evening of Wednesday, March 16th. If that day doesn't work for you, get your application in earlier and we'll schedule around you. It would be great to have these positions filled prior to the AGM.
posted 2005/3/4 by Russ Wong
Mark it in your calendars: Sunday, March 20th at 1pm in the Humanities Theatre. We'll vote in new committee members, watch the DVD, and have a generally good time. Speaking of new committee members, we're pleased to announce the following committee members for FASS 2006:Now, as you may have noticed, we don't yet have a director, producer, or tech director (position descriptions are available here). I know there are people out there who are interested; if you are, definitely fire me an e-mail message to talk about it. In the meantime, I'm setting a second deadline for applications of Tuesday, March 15th, with interviews to be held on the evening of Wednesday, March 16th. If that day doesn't work for you, get your application in earlier and we'll schedule around you. It would be great to have these positions filled prior to the AGM.
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