FASS Theatre Company home pageFASS Theatre Company home page

[description below]

FASS 2003: Captain Warren Peace (Chris Deck) and Captain Cleo Skall (Polly Edwards) fall in love and plot to run away to the Village Green.

FASS 2010 - Committee

The FASS Theatre Company is run by a committee made up of members of the company. Some of the positions (like President) are elected at the Annual General Meeting in March, and some positions (like Director) are appointed by the committee. See the Committee job description page for more information.

Committee members

President: Lukas Matthews
Vice President: Mark Jackson-Brown
Producer: Selina Saba and Diana Skrzydlo
Treasurer: James Hajdarpasic
Secretary: Stacey Saunders
Chief Script Writer: Anna Kreider
Director: Amos Boratto
Technical Director: Jordis Abrahamson
Stage Manager: Trisha Villanueva
Representatives: Colin Oliver, Chuck McPhail, Wes Campaigne, and Selina Saba
Past President: Diana Skrzydlo
Past Producer: Nadia Ursacki
Past Director: Brian "Latrell" Fox
Past Technical Director: Maryam Nasirpour
Past Chief Script Writer: Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo