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FASS 2006: The company of FASS 2006.

FASS 2011 - News and announcements

Tech Weekend

posted 2011/1/29 by Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo

If you want to see where we're at in tech weekend, here is the Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo

The schedule for the final week of rehearsals is now posted. Check when and where you are and let's have a great final week of rehearsals!

Scavenger Hunt for Props

posted 2011/1/11 by Heather Bigelow

Remember that the scavenger hunt is runing until Saturday (15th) at noon. Please bring in items to rehearsal (except Tuesday). Someone from Tech will be in the ACTING rehearsal room. The winners will be receiving their fabulous prizes on Saturday at Talent Optional.

Cast Ticket Sales

posted 2011/1/10 by Kelly Taylor

The Cast Ticket Sales Form is ready! Start selling those tickets. Remember they're due back by Saturday Jan 29th at noon (during Tech Weekend), and that there are prizes for the top sellers! If we beat 828 tickets sold, Kelly will dye half her hair pink! If you have any questions contact the Producer

Rehearsal Schedule

posted 2011/1/9 by Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo

Thank you to everyone for a great readthrough, I can't wait for rehearsals!
Remember to check the calendar for where your rehearsals are; and if you're going to have any issues with attendance contact the SM immediately!

Auditions Forms

posted 2011/1/4 by Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo

We have ONLINE FORMS! (We'll also have paper forms if you prefer filling them out that way)


posted 2010/12/20 by Selina Saba

Auditions for the 2011 show are just a few weeks away!!!

January 5th, 6th, 7th in HH 336. Auditions and techie sign up will be from 7-9pm. Come out one and all!!!

A message from the director

posted 2010/11/24 by Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo

There are currently four positions we're looking for on the creative side of things:

Choreographer - This person is responsible for the choreography of both the Opening and Closing numbers, large dance numbers with lots of enthusiastic participants; as well as certain other smaller numbers. They will generally have to be around for one or two nights during the week for the smaller numbers and either morning or afternoon weekends for Opening and Closing dance rehearsals.

Music Director - This person is responsible for all singing rehearsals as well as liaising with the Band Leader. They will generally have to be around for about three nights during the week for music rehearsals and either morning or afternoon weekends for Opening and Closing music rehearsal.

Band Leader - This person is responsible for band rehearsals and the band in general. They will generally have organize one or two nights during the week or weekend for band rehearsals.

Assistant Director - This person will take on 2-3 scenes and direct them while working with the Director on general items and within their overall vision. They will generally have to be around for one night during the week for acting rehearsals.

If you're interested in any of these items, or would like more information please contact director@fass.uwaterloo.ca.

If you're not interested in any of these items, but may want to help out in one of the general areas (such as choreographing one smaller number, or wanting to be in the band) you can still send a note in!

Fall Organizational Meeting

posted 2010/09/29 by Selina Saba

Greetings, FASSies!

The leaves on the trees are starting to drop, so you know what that means - it's time for the FASS Fall Organizational Meeting! But don't think of it as a 'meeting', think of it more as a social gathering at the SLC where people can hang out, eat some munchies, talk about the upcoming year, visit with old friends, make some new ones, watch previous shows, and generally have fun!

It'll also be a chance for you to pick up your showbook if you haven't yet! (And we know who you are....!)

The FOM this year will be on Wednesday, September 29th starting at 7:00pm and going until 9:00pm. You can find us in the Multipurpose Room in the SLC.

Hope to see you all there!

Selina Saba
Prez of 2011

Announcing FASS 2011 Theme and Committee!

posted 2010/03/28 by Selina Saba

This is Selina Saba (one of your 2010 co-producers), and it with great excitement that I announce my presidency for FASS 2011!

I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who came out to our AGM today. It was a lot of fun and if you missed out, here are the highlights;

1) The following people now make up the (almost complete) FASS 2011 Committee:

If you'd like to be part of this awesome team, it's not too late! We are accepting applications for:

  1. Director
  2. Technical Director
  3. Producer
  4. Treasurer
  5. Stage Manager

All the positions *except Stage Manager* will be open until Sunday, April 11th. Stage Manager applications will be open from now until 2 weeks after we have announced a director.

A description of each position is available on the committee page. Interested applicants can email me. Be sure to include which position you're applying to and brief description of your qualifications.

2) We also have an awesome theme for this year.

Myths and Legends!

If you'd like to help our CSW, Matt, with any part of the writing process and didn't fill out a writers form (which was available at the AGM), get in touch with him and stay tuned for more info from our CSW.

3) Regarding DVDs and showbooks;

Due to difficulties with sound the DVD is not yet available for distribution. If you have ordered a DVD only, or in conjunction with a showbook, we will contact you when the DVD is ready and arrange how to get the merchandise to you. If you will be out of town for the Spring term, please email your mailing address to Amos at pastdir@fass.uwaterloo.ca so we can send you your merch. If you have only ordered a showbook or would like to get your showbook now, please contact me so we can arrange something. Prices are $10 for DVDs and $5 for showbooks.

That's all for now! I'm really looking forward to this year's FASS and being your president.

Selina Saba
Prez of 2011