FASS Theatre Company home pageFASS Theatre Company home page

[description below]

FASS 2005: Our heroes, the FASStastics: Lady Gaia (Lisa Hagen), the Iron Warrior (Jackson Stone), FASSman (Will Russell), Aquamanuel (David Engkent), and Super Guy (Ryan Slade).

FASS 2012 - Committee

The FASS Theatre Company is run by a committee made up of members of the company. Some of the positions (like President) are elected at the Annual General Meeting in March, and some positions (like Director) are appointed by the committee. See the Committee job description page for more information.

Committee members

President: Joscelyn Alexander
Vice President: Jill Skene
Producer: Colleen Colbeck
Treasurer: Nadia V. Ursacki
Secretary: Troy Molnar
Chief Script Writer: Henry Truong
Director: Josh Hoey
Technical Director: Khary Alexander
Stage Manager: Nadia V. Ursacki
Representatives: Karl Zaryski, Danielle Leong, Jessica Schmidt, Brian Gashgarian
Past President: Selina Saba
Past Producer: Kelly Taylor
Past Director: Stephen Snuggles Skrzydlo
Past Technical Director: Heather Bigelow
Past Chief Script Writer: Matthew Thorne
Past Stage Manager: Christina Romualdo