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FASS 2003: The Stall Guys (Rob LeGood and Stephen Stewart) entertain the audience between skits.

FASS 2012 - News and announcements

AGM and Theme Meeting for 2013

posted 2012/03/31 by Joscelyn Alexander

Greetings FASStastic FASSies!

It's that time of the year...time to elect and select a new committee for 2013, time to wrap up 2012 and share in the warm glow of the new memories we've made, and time to start planning for next year!

It's with great pleasure that I announce the appointments of Janet Kennedy as treasurer and Michael Omand as CSW for the 2013 committee! Janet returns to FASS with a wealth of experience in bookkeeping and as a treasurer for several not-for-profit, external organizations and will be a welcome addition to the FASS committee. Michael has been a member of FASS for the past 3 years, the last 2 of which he was a writer and editor (including for 2-1 in 2012 - the agent takeover scene at the AGM). Both look forward to the challenge of stepping into new roles and volunteering with the FASS leadership team!

Now that we have Michael at the helm, we can announce the details for the theme meeting! For those of you who don't know, the theme meeting occurs once a year where many people get together and brainstorm/suggest different ideas for next year's show theme. Together, the group weeds down ideas to a handful that are then presented at the AGM, where we vote on our favourite! So if you have great ideas for themes for next year's show, please come out to this meeting (or if you can't make it, the please email our new CSW with your suggestions! The details for the theme meeting are...

2013 Theme Meeting

Where: Hagey Hall 334
When: Wednesday, April 4th, 2012
Time: 7-10 pm

Also, just a reminder that the AGM is coming up!

Where: Arts Lecture Hall 113
When: Sunday, April 15th, 2012
Time: 1 pm

We hope to see you all there!

Last Chance for FASS 50th Memorabilia

posted 2012/03/31 by Colleen Colbeck

Hello Everyone!

With the AGM approaching your last chance to order Showbooks, DVD's, and FASS 50th Jewellery is drawing near as well. The final order date will be Thursday April 5th by midnight. You can purchase any and all of these things from the FASS Online Store. For those of you who don't have a credit card, or want to save FASS the Paypal fee from your order, please e-mail me to arrange a convenient time and place to meet and place your order in person.

Leftover T-Shirts!

We have a few leftover t-shirts! I have listed the available sizes below, if you are interested in one of these shirts, please e-mail me with your preferred size. I have only a few left so t-shirts will be given on a first-come first-served basis. If there is high enough demand for t-shirts that cannot be filled by the extra's we have right now then I will consider doing a second t-shirt run. T-shirts are $10.00 each.

Show shirts: Ladies XS, S, M, XL; Mens M, L

Tech shirts: Ladies M, L; Mens XXL

See you at the AGM!

Applications Open for Treasurer and CSW

posted 2012/02/06 by Joscelyn Alexander

Hello FASSies!

WOW! What an incredible show! This year was better than anything I could have imagined. It exceeded many people's expectations and I expect we'll see many of you back in the coming year! To that end, I announce that applications are now open for the positions of Treasurer and Chief Script Writer for 2013. The application deadline is Monday, February 20th at 11:00 pm. Please email your applications to me complete with why you're interested in the position, your applicable experience and your past involvement in FASS.

Applications from any FASSies (or even aspiring FASSies!) will be accepted (including any evil agents who may have invaded by participating in 2012)...I mean...this is FASS!

We look forward to hearing from you and putting together a committee that will carry on the traditions and the fun that have been established in the last 50 years!

Auditions Start This Wednesday

posted 2012/01/02 by Colleen Colbeck

Auditions begin this Wednesday! Jan. 4-6, 7-9pm, in HH123. Come on out and be part of the FASS 50th Anniversary Show!

Please make sure you fill out our Online Audition Forms before your audition!


See you soon!

Auditions and Important Dates

posted 2011/12/06 by Colleen Colbeck

This year FASS is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with the FASSinating musical comedy:

FASS: The Neverending Story
An irreverent retelling of the organization's own history (most of it completely made-up) that is sure to delight new audiences and FASS veterans alike.

Join us and help make the 50th Anniversary show FASStastic. Auditions are being held on January 4th, 5th, and 6th from 7-9pm in HH 123. Anyone interested in doing tech for the show should also come to auditions to speak with the Tech Director about how to get involved.

Auditions will take approximately an hour to an hour and a half from arrival time. There are three components to the audition: acting, singing, and dancing. You do not need to have anything prepared in advance, but having a song you know well will help. All parts of the audition are mandatory to receive a role in the show, but you do not have to take a singing/dancing role if you are uncomfortable doing so.

Audition forms will be posted a week before auditions, for anyone who wants to fill them out ahead of time and save time at their audition.

Important Dates:

The following dates are mandatory and you're required to be available for them to participate. If you have conflicts contact the Stage Manager to see how you will be able to take part in this year's FASS.

Sunday, January 8th - Readthrough (1pm)
Saturdays OR Sundays (14th and 21st OR 15th and 22nd - during the day)- opening song, closing song and/or help in tech shop
January 28th - 29th - Tech weekend & Dress Rehearsal (during the day)
January 30th - Dress rehearsal (6pm call)
February 2nd - 4th . Showtime! (calls 2 hours before shows)

All other availability (weeknights) is up to you, and what you indicate as your availability on the audition form.

For concerns about the time commitments that being involved in FASS check out our Calendar page to view the show dates and rehearsal dates (Weeknight rehearsals are not scheduled until casting is complete). Contact Nadia our Stage Manager with specific concerns. This years show is onstage Feb 2nd - 4th 2012.

See you at auditions!

Producer, Director, Stage Manager Announcements

posted 2011/11/24 by Joscelyn Alexander

I am excited to announce that we have 3 new committee members joining this year's committee! Colleen Colbeck has been selected as the producer for this year. Some of you may remember her from FASS a few years ago! She has returned and stepped up to join the committee! For anyone interested in joining Colleen's producer squad, please email her.

Josh Hoey is joining us as this year's director. Josh has been involved in FASS for many years and has previously served on committee in several roles including President in 2007 and Director in 2006. He brings with him a wealth of experience both through FASS and through his work as a director for KWLT. We look forward to seeing what he can do in January! If you are interested in being part of the production team (vocal coaching, band leader, choreography, etc.) please email him.

As well, Nadia Ursacki will be this year's stage manager. This will be Nadia's 13th year with FASS and she's excited to be taking on the challenge of stage managing for the 50th anniversary! Nadia has been involved in all kinds of roles for FASS in the past, including stage manager!

We are pleased to have these 3 experienced individuals join this year's committee. We are still in search for someone who will lead the 50th anniversary committee as chair! If you are interested, please email me for more information or to apply!

Application Deadlines!

posted 2011/11/16 by Joscelyn Alexander

Greetings FASSies! Applications for director and stage manager will close on Monday, November 21st by 8:00 pm. If you have any experience in directing or scheduling or would love to get some, please consider applying to be director or stage manager. Applications can be emailed to me stating which position you are applying for, why you are interested in the position and what FASS experience you have, if any. We have a hilarious and fantastic script this year that everyone will love!

Producer Application Deadline

posted 2011/11/11 by Joscelyn Alexander

There is only one week left to apply for the position of producer this year! The deadline for all producer applications is November 17th at 8:00 pm. Please email me with your application including the reason you would like to be in the position and your qualifications and FASS history. Please also keep in mind that the positions for director, stage manager and 50th anniversary co-chair are still available and we are still accepting applications for those!

Act One Readthrough

posted 2011/11/03 by Henry Truong

Are you curious about the crazy characters in this year's show? Want to know what outrageous accent you may need to practice? Want to get in your last chance to make a mark on this year's script? We are pleased to announce that the Act 1 Readthrough for FASS 2012 will take place on Sunday, November 13th at 1:00 pm at Henry's place. For an address and directions, please refer to the Facebook event or email me for more information.

Producer Announcement. Director, Stage Manager Applications Open!

posted 2011/11/03 by Joscelyn Alexander

I regret to inform all FASSies that Jordis Abrahamson has resigned as producer for the 2012 production of FASS. As such, applications have been opened again for producer! Do you have a talent for managing people? Do you love to come into a position with some of the organizational work already done? Do you love to recruit people from all walks of theatre and get people to produce a bunch of awesome swag? Then producer is for you! For more information or to apply, please email me.

This is also a reminder that we are still in search for a director and a stage manager for the upcoming production. If you are interested in taking words on a script and bringing them alive on stage, or just enjoy making people dance like puppets, then apply to be the director or stage manager! Again, please email me.

Announcing FASS 2012 Producer

posted 2012/05/19 by Joscelyn Alexander

I am pleased to announce the addition of Jordis Abrahamson as this year's producer! Jordis caught the FASS bug in the tech shop in FASS '09 and was our tech director in 2010. This year she's hoping to try on her non-tech hat while not quite abandoning cardboard anytime soon. We know that many of you are eager to help out Jordis by joining her production team! Do you have an affinity for showbook layouts, video editing, graphic design or posting papers? Then please contact our new producer and volunteer to help make this year's show FASStastic!

We have re-opened applications for director and continue to accept applications for stage manager. Applications for director will be open until Sunday, June 5th.

Finally, we also continue to search for a chair for the 50th Anniversary Committee. If you are interested in making sure this year's celebrations are fantastic, please consider applying. You don't need to be an active member of FASS... we'd love to have FASS alumni help out as well or even help chair the committee! Please contact me or our interim co-chairs if you're interested!

All applications and any questions about any of these positions can be sent to me.

Announcing FASS 2012 Tech Director and Treasurer

posted 2011/04/15 by Joscelyn Alexander

I am pleased to announce the addition of Khary Alexander as Tech Director and Nadia Ursacki as Treasurer. Both of them bring a wealth of experience to their positions that will be very beneficial!

We have also re-opened applications for the positions of director and producer and continue to accept applications for stage manager. Applications for director and producer will be open until Sunday, May 1st.

Finally, we also continue to search for a chair for the 50th Anniversary Committee. If you are interested in making sure this year's celebrations are fantastic, please consider applying.

All applications and any questions about any of these positions can be sent to me.

FASS 2012 Theme and Committee!

posted 2011/03/22 by Joscelyn Alexander

This is Joscelyn Alexander (The music director from 2011), and it is with great excitement that I take up the mantle of FASS president for 2012!!!

I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who came out to our AGM. It was a lot of fun! However, if you were unable to attend, here are some highlights of what you missed:

  1. The following people now make up the FASS 2012 Committee:

    If you'd like to be part of this awesome team, it's not too late! We are accepting applications for:

    All the positions *except Stage Manager* will be open until Sunday, April 3rd. Stage Manager applications will be open from now until 2 weeks after we have announced a director.

    A description of each position is available on the committee page. Interested applicants can email me (prez at fass.uwaterloo.ca). Be sure to include which position you're applying to and a brief description of your qualifications.

  2. We also have an awesome theme for this year: The (Revisionist) History of FASS!

    And a message from our 2012 CSW, Henry Truong:

    So what exactly does "The (Revisionist) History of FASS" mean? We don't know! Yet. That's why every year we assemble a crack team of writers to put together the script for the show. Anyone interested in being part of the writing process (writing ability not actually required) can fill out a writer interest form. Writers' meetings will begin in April. For more information, email Henry.

  3. Addition to the FASS Honour Roll:

    This year we made an addition to the FASS Honour Roll! There are a few names on there already and now our very own Nadia Ursacki has been added to the list for her years of dedicated volunteering since 1999 in a wide-variety of positions through committee, production, and now as an asset to FASS in her role as Front of House for the Humanities Theatre. Congratulations, Nadia!

  4. Regarding DVDs and showbooks:

    The DVDs, Showbooks and second run of T-Shirts are ready for pick-up! If you were unable to attend the AGM, please contact Selina (pastprez at fass.uwaterloo.ca) to arrange a time to pay for your swag and pick it up! Also, the tech magic has been worked on the 2010 video and dubbing. Those of you who originally ordered a 2010 DVD can contact Selina as well to pick up your copy.

  5. FASS 50th anniversary!

    2012 will be the 50th anniversary of FASS so we want to have an epic celebration! If you're interested in helping out with the planning of this milestone, contact Diana and Christina - the interim co-chairs to get on the planning committee. If you're interested in becoming the chair of the 50th anniversary committee, let us or the Jos know. Thanks!

That's all for now! I'm really looking forward to this year's FASS and the 50th anniversary celebration!