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posted 2013/04/05 by Colleen Colbeck
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that the AGM is coming up!
Hello FASSies!
A proposed Constitution change will be presented at the AGM for the members of the company to vote on. The details are included at the end of this e-mail. Please take the time to read the proposed change so that this portion of the AGM can be handled quickly.
We will also be ratifying Russ Wong to the FASS Honour Roll. The FASS Honour Roll is a way of recognizing outstanding contributions and commitment to FASS.
For those of you who don't know Russ:
He joined FASS in 1996 and was directly involved with the production in one capacity or another until 2009. He has been an actor/singer, Vocal Coach, Director, President, and was the Music Director for 6 shows. Since 2009 he has continued to be involved with FASS by organizing events and lending us valuable equipment. Russ has always been willing to go the extra mile for FASS, taking up roles that no one else wanted, expanding the band and getting us microphones, hosting Talent Optional night several years in a row, and organizing the music and the preview skit for last years 50th anniversary show. Russ has been called the most enthusiastic FASSie ever, and it has been commented that his love for Fass "borders on the obscene".
Suggested Constitution Change:
I am formally requesting that the following constitution change be made at the next committee meeting.
Preamble: In January, we discovered that the constitution has no way for a committee member to resign after the Fall term's start without committee meeting to remove/dismiss that person from committee. This should be fixed so that a resignation can be accepted and the vacant position filled.
Be amended to the following:
12. Resignation and Dismissal of Members of the Committee
a) Resignation of Members of the Committee
Hope to see you all there!
posted 2013/03/28 by Colleen Colbeck
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that the AGM is coming up!
Where: Arts Lecture Hall 116
When: Sunday, April 7th, 2013
Time: 1:00 pm
Anybody involved in a FASS production is a member of the FASS Theatre Company, has a vote at the AGM, and can be elected to a position on the FASS 2014 Committee.
For those of you who are interested in joining the 2014 FASS Committee there are several positions that are still open. The positions of President, Vice President, and the 4 Cast Representatives will be filled at the AGM, and Committee is currently accepting applications for Producer, Director and Tech Director. The application closing date will be posted after the AGM. If you are interested in any of these positions please feel free to contact the person who currently holds that role to find about more about the responsibilities and what to include in your application. Applications should include why you are interested in the position and why you think you would be a good candidate, and can be e-mailed to me.
Hope to see you all there!
posted 2013/03/21 by Colleen Colbeck
Kit Kreider has been named Chief Script Writer for the FASS 2014 Committee! And now that we have a CSW, it is time to start brainstorming a theme! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the process, the Theme Meeting occurs once a year; many people get together to brainstorm and suggest different ideas for next year's show theme. The group weeds down the ideas to a handful that will be presented at the AGM, where the entire company will vote on our favourite. If you have theme ideas for next year's show, please come out to the Theme Meeting or, if you can't make it, e-mail your ideas to our new CSW.
The theme meeting for FASS 2014 will be held in:
Where: Hagey Hall 119
When: Sunday, March 24th, 2013
Time: 1-3 pm
Hope to see you all there!
posted 2013/02/11 by Colleen Colbeck
What a great show and show weekend! We put on an amazing show, had some great parties, and we brought new enthusiasm to the adage "the show must go on!"
I already miss seeing everyone on a weekly basis. It was great to have so many new faces in FASS this year and I hope to see many of you back for FASS 2014. To that end, I announce that applications are now open for the positions of Treasurer and Chief Script Writer for 2014. The application deadline is Monday, February 25th by midnight. Please e-mail your applications to me, complete with why you're interested in the position, your applicable experience, and your past involvement with FASS.
Applications from everyone (FASSies and aspiring FASSies) will be accepted. Don't let the fact that this is only your first or second year in FASS deter you. We had many second year FASSies on Committee this year.
Being on Committee is a really rewarding experience and a great way to be more involved with FASS throughout the year. So we look forward to hearing from you and building next year's Committee.
FASS for President takes to the stage of the Humanities Theatre at the following dates and times:
Please note that the Friday 10:30PM show encourages audience participation, not for the easily offended or annoyed.
Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre box office (519-888-4908), located on the first floor of Hagey Hall.
Pricing is as follows:
posted 2013/01/06 by The Producers
The online audition form is up and running! Please fill this out if you want to be involved in FASS this year (including being on stage, tech, band, etc.):
Filling this out BEFORE your audition will save you lots of time and will help us know how many people to expect!
If you are particularly interested in being an ASM, please email Katey Bender (the Stage Manager). If you are interested in taking a leadership role in tech, please email Chris Alexander (the Tech Director).
See you at auditions this week!
Kelsey & Josposted 2013/01/02 by The Producers
Greetings FASSies and Soon-to-Be FASSies!
It's that time of the year again!
Auditions are coming up for one of the best and most social shows to participate in! Everyone who auditions gets a part! You can sign up to be on stage, be backstage, build stuff, play music... anything your heart desires!
A link will be sent to the online audition form once it's available - no more paper for this group! Please fill it out in advance if possible.
You only need to come out for one of the following nights. You do not need to prepare anything (besides yourself - you'll have a great time!). Auditions (if there's no wait) will take roughly 1 hour and include acting, singing and dance. Dates are:
Please meet in Hagey Hall (HH) room 119 to start.
Who needs to attend auditions?
Note: Due to the smaller amount of space we have available this year, we are asking that only those who are wrangling or organizing auditions stay around the sign-in room. If you would like to hang out during or after auditions, please do so in an alternate location where we will not interfere with night classes or ongoing auditions!
Want to wrangle? If you are interested in wrangling for auditions, please email the producers! Wranglers attend auditions from 6:40 pm - approximately 10:00 pm and can audition the night they help. The job is to guide people through auditions, help them feel comfortable with the process, and answer any questions that might arise. We especially need help on Wednesday and Thursday nights! Volunteer early, volunteer often!
We look forward to seeing all of you out this year! It's going to be a great show!
Jos & Kelseyposted 2012/12/04 by Joscelyn Alexander
We are looking for the next great graphic designer for the FASS 2013 poster! This year, we are holding a contest to give everone the opportunity to participate and design the FASS 2013 poster!
So what's involved in competing?
We are looking for an 11 x 17 design that embodies the spirit of FASS, as well as elements of the show we're performing in February. Here are the details of the show as summarized by CSW, Michael Omand:
Show Title: "FASS for President"
A scandal hits the Feds President and execs forcing an election to be called. Rich kid enters race and seems likely front runner with his crack team of advisers bought and paid for. The advisers bombard UW students with Robocalls to ensure victory, despite being told of their potentially dangerous nature. An underdog candidate is convinced to enter the race by a crazed sociology grad student who is desperate to put their research to the test. Underdog ends up trouncing the Front Runner in a debate. Unbeknownst to anyone the Robocalls are controlled by an Artificial Intelligence which decides neither candidate is sufficient. They brainwash everyone in order to win the election and take Front Runner and Underdog captive at the end of Act 1. At the start of Act 2 the AI has assumed power and begins wreaking havoc by trying to solve issues with cold, robotic logic. Eventually a group of UW students form a resistance and manage to free Front Runner, Underdog and the Inventor of the AI, who knows how to defeat the AI threat...
Details of the showtimes and prices will also need to be displayed on the poster in a legible way. That information is as follows:
Show Title
FASS 2013 and the FASS logo
Additional Information:
Additional parameters:
We require designs to be submitted as scalable vector graphics (svg) as these designs are printed on posters, t-shirts, and used by many as profile photos for Facebook, Twitter, etc. If your poster design contains more than 2 colours, please provide a second design using a limit of 2 colours for t-shirts.
What's at stake?
The producers have put together an interesting and eclectic prize package this year! Curious to know what it is? Email us for more information!
Submissions can be emailed to producer by the deadline of Sunday, December 16th.
posted 2012/04/16 by Colleen Colbeck
Hello Everyone! This is Colleen, your producer from 2012. I am delighted to don the cape as FASS President for 2013, and I look forward to making this year's show just as memorable as the 50th.
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the AGM. It was great to see you all and watch the DVD with you. If you were unable to attend, here are some highlights of what you missed:
If you'd like to be part of this awesome team, it's not too late! We are accepting applications for:
All the positions *except Stage Manager* will be open until Sunday, April 29th. Stage Manager applications will be open from now until 2 weeks after we have announced a director.
A description of each position is available on the committee page. Interested applicants can email me. Be sure to include which position you're applying to and a brief description of your qualifications.
We also have an awesome theme for this year: Politics!
So what exactly does the theme "Politics" mean? We don't know! Yet. That's why every year we assemble a crack team of writers to put together the script for the show. Anyone interested in being part of the writing process (writing ability not actually required) who hasn't already filled out the writer interest form should do so here. For more information contact our CSW, Michael Omand.
The first brainstorming meetings will be held on Tuesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 19 at 7:00 PM in HH 334. We'll start with a blank board and fill it with ideas. Do you have ideas? Of course you have ideas! Or if you don't now, you will. Point is, you should show up and give us some of those sweet, sweet ideas. If you can't make it out this week, we'll announce the next brainstorming meetings in the coming weeks. Otherwise feel free to e-mail the CSW with your ideas.
Additions to the FASS Honour Roll:
This year we made several additions to the FASS Honour Roll! A belated congratulations to Paul McKone, Redated, and Rod Currie whose names got lost in transition sometime along the way and never made it onto the official Honour Roll. Congratulations also to this year's additions Angela Yeates, Dustin Windibank, and Marie Hocaluik. Thanks for your dedication to FASS and all the time and effort you have given to make it awesome.
Regarding DVDs, shirts, and showbooks:
Thanks again to Michael Davenport for making a DVD that is enjoyable to watch and is full of amazing bonus features, and also for making such a lovely showbook. Because we only ordered showbooks and DVD's that had been ordered by the due date we only have a couple DVD's left and no showbooks. However, if your heart is set on having one or the other, or both, FASS still has the files to make a copy, the cost will just be slightly different because we won't get a bulk discount for producing a few more copies. Please e-mail producer if you're interested in one of these.We do, however, have plenty of extra t-shirts. And who doesn't want to wear their FASS pride all over the place? Once again, e-mail producer. You know you want a t-shirt, since they look so awesome.
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