FASS 2007: The company of FASS 2007
(From the FASS Constitution.)
- Select a Stage Manager from the list of candidates prepared by the Committee.
- Organize and supervise a Sub-directorial staff, possibly including such positions as Music Director, Choral Director, Choreographer, and Acting Coach. The members of this staff will perform such duties and hold such responsibilities as are assigned to them by the Director.
- Conduct auditions and cast persons for roles in the F.A.S.S. show.
- Set dates and location of rehearsals and ensure that the Stage Manager communicates this information to the cast.
- Supervise and take responsibility for rehearsals.
- Direct the F.A.S.S. Show.
- Assume responsibility for the artistic content of the show.
- Consult with the Head Scriptwriter on all desired changes to the script. Once rehearsals have begun, the Director is the only person who may authorize changes to the script without a direct appeal to the F.A.S.S. Committee. The Director must inform the Stage Manager of any and all authorized changes in the presentation of the show.
- Describe to the Technical Director the artistic requirements of the F.A.S.S. show as they concern the Technical Director's duties.
- Communicate to the President the status of the show.
Josh Hoey, Director of FASS 2006, writes about his experience as Director:
"While I know it may sound cliché, being a director really was better than I ever expected it would be. Every rehearsal was a pleasure, working with actors, techies and the creative staff to create a production that was fun to watch and fun to *create*.
I got a chance to work with absolutely everyone in FASS to some extent; I met new people and strengthened the friendships in FASS I already had. Even if you've never seriously considered directing before, think back on the fun you've had in FASS and image yourself in the director's chair.
I'd heard previous directors rave on how different and how wonderful directing was, but didn't believe them until I did it myself."