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[description below]

FASS 2005: The opening number of FASS 2005: "FASStastics Go!"

FASSies on the Web

In the FASS tradition of trying to stay in touch, we added a page to link us to all the FASS members, past and present, so we can see how we all live outside of the month of January.

If you wish to be added to this list, please email the FASS Webmaster with your web address and the years you were involved in FASS.

Name Online FASS
Ian! D. Allen email
web: www.idallen.com
Michael Brown email 1999-2005
Christopher Calzonetti email
web: trig.net/~chris/blosxom.pl
Lyn Caruana email 2000, 2001
Ian Chaprin email 1980-1982,1987-1988,1990
Alexa Clark email
web: www.unsweetened.ca
Rod Currie web: www.supersquadamerica.com/jakequarry/ 1983-2001
Catherine Curtis email 1978,1979
Chris Davidson email 1998-2003
Chris Deck email 2003-2006
Curtis Desjardins email 1998-2003
Paul Dickinson email 2006
Mercedes Dziver email 2005, 2006
Polly Edwards email 2002-2010
Dave Fisher email 1987-1989
David Gouthro email
web: www.theconsultingedge.com
Lisa Hagen email 2003-2009
James Harynuk email 1997-2004
Mike Heimann email 1997-2000
Isabelle Hemmings email 1995, 1996
Nic Hesse email 1992-1997
Steve Hull email 1974, 1976-1980
Steve Hutton email
web: http://www.greekchorus.com/people/biostevehutton.php
1981-1985, 1996
Kenneth Jones email 1984-1990
Martin Kravitz email 1962
Suzanne Langdon email 1984-1990
Brian Marshall email 1989-1992
Brian Martin email 1980-1984, 1987-1988, 1990
Peter Milley email 1995, 1996
Erin Moffat email 1998-2005
James Morrison email 2004, 2005
Heather Murray (Koshka) email
web: http://pouchcakes.blogspot.com
1991, 1992
Neil Murray email 1995-2007
Albert O'Connor email 2001-2004, 2006-2006
Adam Parker email 1994-1998
Max Read email 1976-1979
Serje Robidoux web: www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~smrobido/ 1996
Bernie Roehl email
web: http://www.ece.uwaterloo.ca/~broehl
Jamey Rosen email 1993-1997
Glenn St-Germain email 1980, 1981
Steve Sangster email 2000-2004
Dave Shipley web: members.rogers.com/ushipley/ 1982, 1984-1986, 1988
Lance Sibley email 1989-1993
Diana Skrzydlo (Chisholm) email 2003-present
Adam Stanley email 1999-2001
Douglas Stebila email 2000-2003, 2005-2008
Daphne Summers email 1991-1993, 2004
Dawn Tarzwell email 1997-2001
Greg Taylor email 1997-2002
Brad Templeton web: www.clari.net/brad/ 1980-1991
Dave Till email
web: www.davetill.com/torphotos/
Terry Triskle email 1971-1974
Nadia V. Ursacki email 1999-present
Marilyn Walsh email 1975-1977
Mattias Wandel web: www.sentex.net/~mwandel 1993-2002, 2005
Andrew Welch email 1981-1984, 1986
Derek Wilkinson email 1982-1993
Dianne Wilkinson email 1989-1994
Russ Wong email 1996, 1998-2002, 2004-2009