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FASS 2003: The Stall Guys (Rob LeGood and Stephen Stewart) entertain the audience between skits.

FASS 2004 - News archive

Annual General Meeting

posted 2004/03/01 by Nadia Ursacki

Yup, we have one every year. And it's fun. At this meeting we get to:

A great way to get a sneak peak at what FASS will be doing in the next year. So come one, come all. It won't be fun unless you're all there!

This year's AGM will be held:

Sunday, March 28th at 1 pm on the Humanities Theatre Stage

There will be munchies at the meeting and probably even pop. We'll probably decide there on a trip to a local eatery/drinkery after the meeting.

Committee Applications Open

posted 2004/03/01 by Nadia Ursacki

We need people to fill these important key positions in next year's show. Below is a list of the positions we are looking for, with a description of each position. If you want to know more about the positions then email me or the person who did the job this year (you can find this on the Committee page).

If you would like to apply for any of these position please send me an email (remove the .nospam) with what position you are applying for, when after 10am on March. 14th you are available for an interview, why you want the position and your contact information. I will contact with when your interview with the FASS committee is (its not painful, we all have been through it). The deadline for applications are Friday, March 5th at midnight. Remember FASS can't happen without these key people.

Here are the positions (descriptions stolen from 2002):


The Director needs to be aware of the script, to audition and cast the actors, to rehearse the scenes adequately, to select a Stage Manager and whatever of Music Director/Pianist/Choreographer/Acting Coach/other able bodied assistants you desire, to work closely with the technical crew to realize the show, and to assume full artistic responsibility for FASS. Whew.

Tech Director (TD):

The TD is responsible for making sure that all the following are done properly and safely: sets, props, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound, special effects, cost control (staying within budget), feasibility and creative review. Of course, this all can't be done by one person. The TD doesn't even have to know how to do all these things. A crew of techies is required. So really, the TD has to be able to wrangle a bunch of people who DO have these skills. Delegation and organization is what is needed most in a good TD.


The Treasurer handles the company's finances. The overall duty of the FASS Treasurer is to act as a watchdog on the FASS budgets and accounts, pay all bills on time. But the Treasurer should not be treated as a mere bookkeeper. A large amount of money flows through FASS coffers and the Treasurer has an important job keeping track of the money.


Visibly, the producer's job is publicity. (S)he needs to get people out to auditions and into the seats during the running of the show. In actuality, the producer's job entails a lot of organizing and delegation. You're the one that needs to do everything not covered by the other jobs. You're the one that needs to ensure that people are out performing in the show, and out watching the show. It's all up to you, pal. It's a good feeling when it's over. Some of the sub-jobs you'll be doing are: getting cameos, T-Shirts, Posters (for AGM, auditions, show), Programs, Advertising, Ticket sales, Show Video, Showbooks.

Chief Script Writer (CSW):

The job of the CSW is to be the force behind the scenes. The CSW needs to organize, arrange, and coordinate the script writing process. They need to have strong writing and editing skills, and need to be able to coordinate the various writers, which requires good time and people management. Most of all, they need to have a vision of what they would like the script to be (plot or sketch based, character or event driven, lots of little scenes or a few big ones, stuff like that). That said, the CSW needs to listen to the director, TD, committee and writers for what they would like, or when they say "that's nice, but a 14 hour long opera goes against the spirit of what FASS stands for." Especially the writers, who will help implement the vision. CSW applicants should be prepared at the interview to describe the type of show they would like to see FASS do next year, although that may change depending on the theme selected (for example, the CSW may want to have a cheery, fluffy pun-filled show (gods help us all), and the theme chosen may end up being "torture". Not something that is impossible, of course, but some themes will lend themselves more readily to some styles than others.

Rehearsal Schedule

posted 2004/01/11 by Steve Sangster

The rehearsal schedule has been posted with dates that I have so far. More information will be posted here as it is provided to me, so check back often.

We have a Stage Manager

posted 2004/01/11 by Steve Sangster

We're pleased to announce that Jim Peltier has accepted the position of Stage Manager for this year's show. Officially he can be reached by email at fass-sm@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam, although his full contact information will be passed out to everyone involved with the show. We all look forward to working with Jim, and I don't think I'm alone when I predict that this will be the BEST FASS EVER.

Party, Tech Tour, and Readthrough

posted 2004/01/08 by Nadia Ursacki

First Party

Saturday, Jan. 10th. It's a 70's theme and its at our Vice President's place. Email Trista for directions and details.

Tech Tour

If you haven't worked in Humanities Theatre before come out and see it from all angles possible. Sunday, Jan. 11th, 10am - meet at the Hagey Hall loading dock doors (inside).


This is where you will be given your part. Also your only (maybe) chance to hear the whole play. Sunday, Jan. 11th, 1pm, AL 116. If you auditioned for an acting role, please come 10-15 mins early.

Location of Auditions

posted 2004/01/06 by Steve Sangster

Auditions are being held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Please go to room HH150 for initial sign ins. This was incorrectly advertised in Monday's Daily Bulletin as being the 3rd floor lounge, which is where we've been in past years.

Stage Manager Applications Open Again

posted 2003/10/28 by Nadia Ursacki

This is an announcement that applications for this year's Stage Manager position are open again. To apply please send an email to fass-pres@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam. Please include your name, email and other relevant contact information. If you like you can also include any past experience, but we will go over this in the interview. Applications will be open until November 11th. After that time we will contact you about coming in for an interview with our committee.

The Stage Manager works closely with the Director and Tech Director to bring the show together. Specific duties include attending rehearsals to take line and blocking notes, keeping track of all the actors, managing and choosing Assistant Stage Managers, calling the actual show and many other duties. It's a lot of work and a lot of fun. If you like you can email last year's Stage Manager, Steve Sangster at fass-sm@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam or you can email me (SM 1999) at fass-pres@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam.

Note: Remove ".nospam" from the email addresses

Pre-FASS party #1

posted 2003/10/20 by Trista Simmons

It's time for another cartoon!!

Well, not quite, but it *is* time for another FASS party!!!! Yes, we know that FASS isn't actually here yet, but this year, we're getting things started early. We have decided to have Pre-FASS party #1 next Friday, October 24th. Nadia, FASS 2004 president, and a bunch of other FASSies that live in the same house, have graciously offered their establishment for the celebration.

Pre-FASS parties will be BYOB (please no red wine or other huge stain making drinks), but we will have some munchies and other food stuffs there. Plus music, dancing, drinking games, maybe some apple bobbing....and anything else that happens, as long as Nadia's house stays in one piece.

Now, we're in need of a theme. It's close to halloween, but instead of having another basic Halloween party, which I'm sure there will be plenty of the next weekend, I'm going to suggest we have a black/hat/mask party. This would involve everyone being dressed in black except for a funky and/or crazy hat or an interestingly mysterious mask. Just make them at home, throw some stuff together that's been laying around your house with no other purpose. Quick, easy and creative. We'll even judge them =)

And if we have enough people.....a surprise!!!

You are welcome to show up anytime after 8pm. If you don't already know where Nadia lives, just send her an email and she'll send you directions. There will be room for some people to crash overnight if needed.

So come party like it's January, just because it's starting to get cold out, which is as good an excuse as any other we come up with to have a party!!!! Even if you haven't been in FASS yet, come to get a heads up as to what it's like to be surrounded by FASSies.

Looking for Choreographers, Music Director, Singing Coaches and an Assistant Director

posted 2003/10/08 by Nadia Ursacki

Our Director, Anita, is looking for Choreographers, a Music Director, Singing Coaches and an Assistant Director for this year's play. To apply please send her an email at fass-dir@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam. Please include your name, email and other relevant contact information. If you like, you can also include any past experience. Please email Anita by October 16th if you are interested.

Stage Manager Applications Now Open

posted 2003/10/02 by Nadia Ursacki

This is an announcement that applications for this year's Stage Manager position are open. To apply please send an email to fass-pres@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam. Please include your name, email and other relevant contact information. If you like you can also include any past experience, but we will go over this in the interview. Applications will be open until October 16th. After that time we will contact you about coming in for an interview with our committee.

The Stage Manager works closely with the Director and Tech Director to bring the show together. Specific duties include attending rehearsals to take line and blocking notes, keeping track of all the actors, managing and choosing Assistant Stage Managers, calling the actual show and many other duties. It's a lot of work and a lot of fun. If you like you can email last year's Stage Manager, Steve Sangster at fass-sm@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam or you can email me (SM 1999) at fass-pres@fass.uwaterloo.ca.nospam.

Note: Remove ".nospam" from the email addresses

Fall Organizational Meeting Tonight!

posted 2003/09/25 by Nadia Ursacki

The FASS Fall Organizational Meeting is tonight at 6:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room in the Student Life Centre. I hope to see everyone there. Our wonderful Vice will be bringing snacks for us all to munch on.

If you are new to FASS this is your chance to meet the people involved in FASS: the director, the tech director, the chief script writer, the producer, and most of the rest of committee. You will get a chance to hear about this year's play, ask questions, see part of last year's play and, of course, socialize.

If you are old to FASS this is your chance to hear about the script, meet the new fassies and socialize.

Hope to see you there tonight!

Fall Writers' Meetings

posted 2003/09/24 by Brian "Latrell" Fox

I hope you all enjoyed your summer. I know I did. But there's a play to be written. And if you feel like writing (or editing or proofreading), FASS writers' meetings will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9pm in HH 259 throughout the Fall term. First one will be on Monday the 29th. I'll be at the FASS Organizational meeting on Thursday if you want to ask me anything... or you can email me directly if you wish...

Hope to see you then!

FASS Mailing Lists - Correction

posted 2003/09/22 by Steve Sangster

There was an error in the yellow FASS brochures handed out on Clubs Days in the SLC. Please note that the correct address to subscribe to the moderated mailing list is FASSmod-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Fall Organizational Meeting

posted 2003/08/28 by Nadia Ursacki

Mark your calenders, we have booked the FASS Fall Organizatonal meeting for Thursday, September 25th at 6:30pm in the Multi-Purpose Room in the SLC.

We have a Producer

posted 2003/07/22 by Steve Sangster

Jennifer Murray was named as producer for FASS 2004 earlier this summer. You may have already seen some of her handy-work at UW's Canada Day celebrations.

Minutes from AGM - March 30, 2003

posted 2003/03/31 by Diana Chisholm

1. Committee

Members of the committee already decided were announced.

Nominations and elections took place for other members of the committee.


Nominees were Neil Murray, Steve Sangster, and Nadia Ursacki. And the new President for FASS 2004 is ... Nadia!

Vice President:

Nominees were Michael Brown and Trista Simmons, and Trista will be our Vice!


Nominees were Michael Smyth and Diana Chisholm, and Diana is the new Secretary.


There were tons of nominees: Michelle Zakrison, Anthony Dharmasurya, Michael Brown, Alice Pfeifer, Chris Klein, Albert O'Connor, Neil Murray, Michael Smyth, and Will Russel.
Neil suggested that we officially overlook the rule that says that one cannot repeat a position on the committee, so that Michael Smyth would still be eligible. The motion passed unanimously.
The Reps for next year are Michelle, Albert, Neil, and Michael Smyth.

Other positions still open:

Producer! If you are interested in being producer, please email Nadia, our President.

2. Theme

Suggestions for the theme for FASS 2004 included Highschool, Not-So-Superheroes, Cops & Robbers, Fairytales, Television, and Dazed and Confused.
And the theme for FASS 2004 is (drumroll please...) FAIRYTALES! Yay!

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