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FASS 2005 - News and announcements

Annual General Meeting: March 20th, 1pm

posted 2005/3/4 by Russ Wong

Mark it in your calendars: Sunday, March 20th at 1pm in the Humanities Theatre. We'll vote in new committee members, watch the DVD, and have a generally good time. Speaking of new committee members, we're pleased to announce the following committee members for FASS 2006:

Now, as you may have noticed, we don't yet have a director, producer, or tech director (position descriptions are available here). I know there are people out there who are interested; if you are, definitely fire me an e-mail message to talk about it. In the meantime, I'm setting a second deadline for applications of Tuesday, March 15th, with interviews to be held on the evening of Wednesday, March 16th. If that day doesn't work for you, get your application in earlier and we'll schedule around you. It would be great to have these positions filled prior to the AGM.

UPDATE: FASS changed its email addresses as of Wednesday, March 9th. Applications for committee positions should be emailed here. If you sent an application and are unsure whether it was received, please send it again.

Committee Applications Open

posted 2005/2/10 by Russ Wong

I'm pleased to announce that we're now accepting applications for positions of Chief Script Writer, Director, Treasurer, Technical Director, and Producer (position descriptions are available here). An application pretty much involves e-mailing me to express your interest, after which we'll schedule an interview.

The deadline for applications is Saturday, February 26th at 10pm, with interviews tentatively scheduled for the following Sunday afternoon (we can accommodate if you can't make it on the Sunday). If you're interested in any of these positions, e-mail me for more info or to submit yourself for consideration.

Rehearsal Schedule

posted 2005/01/09 by Erin Moffat

The rehearsal schedule has been posted with dates for the next week. If you have any questions or problems with the schedule, or if you will be late or absent for a rehearsal, please contact me. Rehearsals are in Hagey Hall unless otherwise specified.


posted 2004/12/28 by Alice Pfeifer

It's that time of year again. January is coming up very quickly. The script is being finished up, posters are being finished and being prepared to hung up, and that means that it's time for everyone to get excited about auditions.

So here is the audition information for you superhero, supervillian and techie wannabes! The auditions are taking place in Hagey Hall room 334 (HH 334) on Wednesday, January 5th, Thursday, January 6th and Friday, January 7th from 7:00-9:00pm.

The readthrough will take place in Arts Lecture Hall room 113 (AL 113) on Sunday, January 9th at 12:00pm.

Come out on any of the nights to sing, dance and act your heart out for the director and his creative staff and become part of the adventure that will be this year's FASS. I look forward to seeing all of you out there.


posted 2004/12/28 by Russ Wong

Wondering about the time commitment required for FASS? Check out our new FAQ in PDF and Word formats.

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