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FASS 2003: The cast of FASSinarians' Hospital deal with the loss of a patient.

FASS 2010 - News archive

Auditions for Final FASSity MMX (FASS 2010)

posted 2009/12/28 by Lukas Matthews

Yes, it's that time of year again when the FASS machine starts shifting into higher gears! As such, what better way to help us do so than to come on out to auditions?

The essential details:

You only need to come out for one of these nights, but do please allow for at least an hour to audition. (You don't need to be there for the whole three hours, though!)

What about techies and musicians?

Techies and musicians, too! We want you to come out, express your interest in the show, and meet Jordis, our Tech Director, and Chuck, our Music Director.

If you're unable to make any of the audition nights, but still would love to participate, please contact Trisha, our Stage Manager, to make arrangements to be involved.

If you are auditioning for a part in the play then you will be taken through acting, singing and dancing auditions. Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in. Everybody will go through all three parts of the auditions, but you can note on your auditions forms if you do not want to sing and/or dance in the show.

Note that the show dates for this year's show are:

For more details, please take a look at the Auditions page of the FASS Handbook, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email the co-Producers.

Hope to see you there!

» Current news and announcements

FASS & KWLT presents the 4th Annual 2009 Free Theatre Workshop Series

posted 2009/11/01 by Nadia V. Ursacki

If you are in Waterloo come out to these free Workshops put on by FASS and KWLT (Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre). Many of the workshop instructors are FASSies!

Nadia V. Ursacki
FASS 2009 Producer

November 9, 11, 16, 18 from 7-10 PM, at the Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre, 9 Princess St E, Waterloo ( map)

Admission is FREE so sign up early to ensure your spot -- ad@kwlt.org or call (519) 886-0660.

Monday, November 9: Contemporary Creative Writing

with Trisha Villanueva

Designed for writers from all walks of life, this workshop introduces writers to collaborative writing of stage plays. Learn to create emotionally and socially relevant works in the style of minimalist, modern theatre. Everyone has a great story and it is how we weave these stories that make us great writers.

Wednesday, November 11 – Stage Management

with Erin Moffat

An introduction to stage management aimed specifically at the community theatre stage manager. This interactive workshop will benefit both novice and experienced stage managers.

Monday, November 16 – Improvisation

with Bernie Roehl

An introduction to improvisation for actors. The workshop will provide an introduction to the basic skills involved in improvisational theatre. Among the topics to be covered include spontaneity, cooperation, teamwork, use of space, non-verbal communication, creating characters, and making strong choices. This workshop will be fun, fast-paced and creative. Participants should wear loose, comfortable clothing and be prepared to move around.

Wednesday November 18 – Introduction To Technical Theatre

with Chris Rovers

A workshop introducing participants to various elements of technical theatre, including sets, props, lights and sound. The intent is to provide some hands-on basics to help people get an idea of what is involved behind the scenes in amateur theatre and how they can get started.

Hope to see you there!

Fall Organizational Gathering

posted 2009/10/06 by Lukas Matthews

As Fall is certainly now upon us, it is clearly time for a Fall Organizational Gathering!
The essential details:

What is a FOG, you ask? Well, in short, it's a time of information, of fun, of food, and of FASS. Come and ask questions about FASS and the 2010 show and how you can be involved, whether that's through tech, acting, production, writing, creative staff, and, of course, laughing along with us from the audience! For those of you who've 'FASSed' before, come hang around with some FASSies whom you might not have seen since February! Come join us for a time of food (of the free variety!), of fun, FASSies, frivolity, and more!

Looking forward to seeing you there!