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[description below]

FASS 2005: Commissioner Crunch (Dan Schickerowsky [far left]) and his officers (Khary Alexander [middle], Adrienne Steer [far right]) interrogate some bad guys (Mohammad Jangda [left], Emma Connon [right]).

Handbook - Script

When is the Chief Script Writer chosen?

The Chief Script Writer is chosen in the winter term before the Annual General Meeting; you will need to apply and be interviewed for this position, and notice of applications will be posted to the FASSmod mailing list and the announcements page.

When is the theme chosen?

In the winter term, before the Annual General Meeting, the CSW will host a theme brainstorming meeting. These themes will then be presented to the company at the AGM in March/April, and the company will choose one of them for next year's show.

When are writers' meetings?

Writers' meetings take place from April through December. They will begin after the AGM. Information about writers' meetings will be posted on the announcements page.

How do I get involved in writing the script?

Just show up at a script writing meeting! You can find out when writers' meetings will be by checking the announcements page or emailing the CSW. Even if you haven't been to any writers' meetings before, we'd still love for you to come.

» What comes next: the Fall Recruitment Event and auditions