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FASS 2003: Libby Ral (Michelle Zakrison) chooses Dwight Winger (Anthony Dharmasurya) to be her prince by hitting him with a pie.

Handbook - Tech Weekend and Cue-to-cue

What happens at tech weekend?

Tech weekend is the third weekend during rehearsals. It is the time when all of the technical aspects of the show come together with the acting components.

Cue-to-cue is a run-through of the show from one technical cue (such as a lighting change, sound effect, or scene change) to another. Cue-to-cue allows the tech crew to rehearse the technical aspects of the show. Actors will come to the stage for their scene, and typically what will happen is that they'll be asked to start a few lines before a particular technical cue, the cue will run, and then the scene will be stopped and will jump to just before the next technical cue.

We also have a dress rehearsal during tech weekend; check the schedule.

During tech weekend, there may be time when actors aren't needed on stage. During this unscheduled time, there may be time for scene rehearsals, or singing, dancing, or fight rehearsals. You could also help out in the tech shop. There will also be rooms available for quiet studying or reading, so you can bring your books.

When and where is tech weekend?

Tech weekend is the Saturday and Sunday of the third week of rehearsals from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. There will be an hour break for lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Actors may not need to arrive right at 9:00 am each morning; you should check the schedule and announcements to find out if you can sleep in. Its also tradition for there to be a tech weekend breakfast on the morning of the Saturday.

Tech weekend takes place in Hagey Hall. We will be using the stage of the Humanities Theatre for the cue-to-cue and tech setup. There will be other rooms in Hagey Hall available for studying, singing and dancing rehearsals for the opening and closing numbers, and scene rehearsals.

Do I have to be there?

Yes, attendance at tech weekend is mandatory. While actors have three weeks to rehearse, the tech crew only has one weekend: tech weekend. We need every actor there so the tech crew can figure out where to light the stage, where to put set pieces and props, and plan scene changes. If you're not there, you might end up not being lit on stage, stand where a table is supposed to go, or have an anvil dropped on you, none of which would be very pleasant.

If you really really really can't make it, you should talk to the Stage Manager.

What should I bring?

You should bring water, snacks, comfortable clothing that will be flexible during dancing, clean indoor shoes, and school work or other things to keep you occupied. If you are contributing any props or costumes, you will need to bring those as well (they will stay in the theatre until the end of the show run). Since you will be moving around a lot in an enclosed area, please take care of your hygiene (showering, deodorant) for the comfort of everyone in the company.

What about a party?

There will be a party on the Saturday night of tech weekend. Check the announcements for more time and location.

ยป What comes next: dress rehearsals and ticket sales