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FASS 2003: The "cultural part of the show" included an opera, complete with a chorus of dancing chickens.

FASS 2009 - News and announcements

FASS 2010 Theme Meeting

posted 2009/03/12 by Anna Kreider

Hi, folks! This is your friendly neighborhood CSW-elect, here to announce the theme meeting for FASS 2010! At the theme meeting, we will brainstorm ideas for the theme of next year's FASS. The themes we like best will get presented to the Company to vote on at the Annual General Meeting on April 4th.

So if you have an idea for the theme of next year's show, or you just want to come out and be part of the theme selection, then this event is for you!


FASS Annual General Meeting and 2010 CSW

posted 2009/03/02 by Diana Chisholm

I'm pleased to announce that the Cheif Script Writer for FASS 2010 is Anna Kreider! Anna joined FASS in 2007 and was involved in writing for both 2008 and 2009. She will be announcing a theme brainstorming meeting soon, so watch for an email from our lovely CSW-elect.

In addition, we have chosen the date for our Annual General Meeting. It will be Saturday, April 4 at 1 pm in AL 116.

What happens at the AGM? We elect new positions, elect the theme of FASS 2010 (from the results of the brainstorming meeting), watch the video of this year's show, buy DVDs and showbooks, see each other once again, and of course chow down on some food. And discuss changes to the FASS constitution! (You can now read them and the rationale behind each one here.)

Hope to see tons of people out, whether you were involved in FASS 09 or not. We'd love to see you!

FASS Auditions [for Techies too!] this Week!

posted 2009/01/04 by Nadia V. Ursacki

The holiday break is at an end and of course that means another FASS is about to begin!

It's time for auditions, and they are this week! Auditions for FASS 2009: Live FASS, Die Tomorrow are this Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Jan 7-9) in HH 373 from 6-9pm. You do not need to be there for the whole time on any night, and you don't need to come to more then one night.

Auditions are also for Techies! Are you good with working with your hands? Do you like to make stuff? Do you like painting? Want to make awesome costumes? Then be a techie for this year's show! Come out to the auditions and meet with Maryam our Technical Director to find out what kinds of things you can get involved in. If you can't make the auditions then email Maryam.

If you are auditioning for a part in the play then you will be taken through acting, singing and dancing auditions, which will take about 45 minutes. Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in. Everybody will go through all three parts of the auditions, but you can note on your auditions forms if you do not want to sing and/or dance in the show.

Note that the show dates for this year's show are:

For more information email producer@fass.uwaterloo.ca or check out our about section.

Hope to see you out!

Nadia V. Ursacki
FASS 2009 Producer

» Past news and announcements