Author Archives: Rami Finkelshtein

Committee Changes Update

Hello fellow FASSies!
Rami your Past President here with some important news and a request for your support.

First and foremost, I need to inform you that Elizabeth McFaul has stepped down as the current FASS President. As per normal procedure, I will temporarily assume the duties of the president as we look for a new leader for FASS 2017.

Although the Constitution seems to imply that Committee can appoint a replacement president, at the AGM we heard some concerns with appointing an elected position, concerns that we wholeheartedly understand. I would like to have an open and honest conversation about the best way to proceed, thus Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, August 9th at 7:00 PM, AL (Arts Lecture) 207, and we would like to make sure that we can hear from as many FASSies as possible on the best way to move forward.

Please attend this meeting and participate in the discussion if you are able, or send me your questions, concerns or opinions at
Thank you for your continued support!