
FASS is unique among on-campus productions in that we write our own material. If you fancy yourself a writer, you should come out for writing. If you’ve never fancied yourself a writer, you should come out for writing anyway! You might surprise yourself (and indeed, some people have.)

Writing (and writing for FASS in particular) is a great outlet for those of us mired in the University of Waterloo. Bookstore line too long? Write a joke about it! Cafeteria food got you down? Write a scene! Got chased by a goose on the way to class? Sounds like a song-and-dance routine!

This year at a “super secret” (not really) meeting a bunch of FASS members got together and chose “Friendship is FASS-ical” as the theme for this year’s show.  If you’re interested in writing, send an email to the Chief Script Writer csw@fass.uwaterloo.ca. You can definitely help even if you can’t make the meetings, so don’t be shy!