
What sort of company memorabilia is there?

We often have show T-shirts, DVDs of the show, and showbooks available for company members to purchase. Company members may also want to take home extra posters or programs.


We generally produce two kinds of T-shirts for the show: a coloured t-shirt, and a black-on-black version for tech and band. The black-on-black version can be worn backstage during the show.


We often produce a DVD of each year’s show for purchase by company members. The DVD also usually includes special features, such as behind-the-scenes videos, Adult performance gags, and whatever else comes to mind.


We often create showbooks, including pictures of the entire cast, out-of-context quotes, and other great memories. It’s common to pass them around the company for signing at the Annual General Meeting. If you have a quote for the showbook, let us know by emailing the Company Coordinator!

How do I order them?

The Company Coordinator will provide instructions to the company for ordering memorabilia.

When will they be available?

T-shirts will be available before the show opens, and will usually be available by tech weekend.

DVDs and showboats are generally available for pickup in time for the Annual General Meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please contact the Company Coordinator to make alternate arrangements to get yours.