Author Archives: rbclemen

Welcome Back To Campus! *

*some conditions apply

The team is working hard to put together our 60th Anniversary show, and the current plan involves returning to Humanities Theatre in February.  If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out via social media or email.

Our CSW team of Evan Sauve and Erynn Monette and their team of writers are hard at work.  You can reach them at if you are interested in actually writing or even just contributing ideas to the writing team.

Applications for the other parts of the Show Council will be opening up over the next months.  If you are interested in more info about any of them, feel free to contact me at

Further, if you have the time and inclination, there are still ways to get involved with the Board.  You can reach me at the same address for more info.

We will still be holding social events on and around campus as well as virtually as rules allow, because, hey, that is what theatre groups do.

Looking forward to seeing, creating with, and performing for you all soon!

R. Brent Clements, President
FASS Theatre Company