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Welcome to 2020-2021


I’m Victoria, and I am very pleased to have taken on the role of FASS President for 2020-2021. I am a relatively new FASSie and my goals for this year are to continue to recruit and retain new people and keep them comfortable here!

There are going to be some interesting challenges this year, as of this writing pretty much the whole country is on lockdown and it seems quite difficult to put on a FASS with everyone in their own homes. We are hoping that the world heals in time for a show, and we are already dreaming up ideas of how to keep FASS alive if the situation arises that such a concession must be made as to put on a show from our bedrooms!

Joining me on the 2020-2021 board are Company Coordinator Tammy Markov, Treasurer Danny Eagle, Creative Liason Jen Farmer, and Representatives R. Brent Clements, Erik Arndt, Nathan Liu, and Allan Beldan, along with Presidential Advisor Diana (Dee) Skrzydlo.

I’d like to officially announce that applications for Creative Liaison will be accepted until Sunday April 26 at 11:59 PM. If you are interested in applying for the position, please email with a brief outline of your qualifications. Descriptions of the position below.

Thanks everyone for putting your trust in me. I’m looking forward to working with the new Board and helping guide the FASS family in this coming year, and we hope that we can continue to keep everyone in good spirits and connected through these unusual times.


Creative Liaison is responsible for:

  • Running the Show Councils – meetings, coordination, and responsibilities
  • Reporting back to the Board on the status of the shows [including debrief]
  • Selecting and supervising a Social Coordinator who runs activities during the show run